Executive Coaching

& Mentoring

Certified coach at the prestigious Hudson, Institute of Coaching, Eric uses their award winning methodology, The Art and Science of Coaching.

With past work that includes coaching C- Level Professionals and Senior Managers with multi-billion dollar companies and start- ups, Eric helps his clients improve their leadership skills and be agents of change in today's thriving business world.

His workshop on How to Build High Performance Teams received excellent ratings and was reviewed as “practical” and “inspirational”.

After coaching and mentoring several young leaders and co-founders in Web3, Eric has developed a specific program to help them in their leadership journey and create a culture in line with the Web3 promises.

Change Management

Eric has led several organizations through major change programs from multi-million dollars rebranding to new business models. Change effects business from every angle, and managing transitions to ensure a seamless process takes a strategic plan through and through and requires from the leaders to master every aspect of the communication, internal and external. In addition to strategic advices, Eric has done several lectures and facilitated workshops on this domain.